Welcome to First Christian Church of Downers Grove
(Disciples of Christ)
Welcome to First Christian Church of Downers Grove
(Disciples of Christ)
(Disciples of Christ)
(Disciples of Christ)
In essentials, unity ... in non-essentials, liberty ... IN ALL THINGS, LOVE
An Open and Affirming, Pro-Reconciliation, Anti-Racism Church, we welcome ALL to God’s table, fellowship and service.
Wherever you are on your journey, join us. We honor and affirm our differences, unified in belief in Jesus Christ and practicing Love in all things: In Non-essentials Liberty, in Essentials Unity and In All Things Love.
A Praying Church, we host Monday Night Intercessory Prayers (MIP) Mondays at 6:00 p.m. central time. by phone: 607-374-1123 code: 390193. Join us Mondays at 6:00 p.m. or just call in to Share a Prayer Concern! Keep praying!
First Christian Church of Downers Grove
First Christian Church 801 63rd Street Downers Grove, IL 60516 US